
  • Historical Psychology  & Sociology [Istoricheskya psihologia i sociologia istorii]

    Historical Psychology & Sociology [Istoricheskya psihologia i sociologia istorii]

    The new interdisciplinary scientific journal ‘Historical Psychology & Sociology’ was first published in 2008.The journal publishes various articles on comparative studies, psychological features of cultures and historical periods, languages, world views, values and ways of life, mutual influence of different parameters of social being.

  • Philosophy and society

    Philosophy and society

    The Journal aim is to present the analysis of the urgent issues of the society, a social and philosophic analysis of urgent problems of culture, civilization, social determinism, periodization of world history and many others. The Journal publishes articles of philosophic and historical subjects as well as studies in the social and economic issues, philosophy of history, hermeneutics and structuralism, epistemology and ontology, global issues of modernity. The Journal presents theoretical articles and essays of outstanding thinkers, historians, social scholars, book reviews. The Journal is oriented at a broad range of readers: scholars, university fellows, all those who are fond of philosophy and think over the being and historical process.

  • Vek globalizatsii [Age of Globalization]

    Vek globalizatsii [Age of Globalization]

    The journal is aimed at fulfilling the role in the field of global research and will become a creative platform where the specialists in different scientific fields will analyze urgent problems of globalization and its consequences, offer theoretical and practical solutions, evaluate (approve) and discuss the new ideas, give their reviews.

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