Chumakov A. N. Global world: the problem of governance (pp. 3–15). Original text and References
The problem of global governance of the world community as a single entity more and more displays its sharpness and urgency, which in author’s opinion will make it one of the central topics in modern globalistics in the nearest future. The article from the position of the world perception unity and distinguishing of notions of “regulation” and “governance” analyses theoretical issues of socionatural dynamics determined by multifaceted globalization as well as various factors, conditions and fundamental possibilities of solving this problem.
Keywords: global world, globalization, governance, regulation, global governance, world community, entity, state, right, morality.
Kiss E. The philosophy of globalization (pp. 16–32). Original text and References
Globalization in mass consciousness and within the idea of the intellectuals is a new system of power and supremacy. The real model of globalization differs from these views dramatically.
Real globalization forms new social conditions in all spheres. The struggle between subjects, groups, between subjects and a group as well as between smaller and larger groups prevents from using all the blessings of globalization. Structural strength of globalization influences all layers of social life.
One of the most important and complex problems of sociophilosophical study of globalization is a constant interconnection of its functional and non-functional elements.
Thus, globalization is not a new and unknown center of power and not a world government, but in essence a qualitatively new system of relations between actors.
Keywords: globalization, global connections, globalized world, liberalism, neo-liberalism, postmodernism, monetarism, democracy, self-destructive tendencies, self-destructive society.
Mamedov N. M. Historical process and the concept of sustainable development (pp. 33–46). Original text and References
The article reveals the meaning and significance of the historical process. It is shown that possible perspectives of its development are one of the eternal problems of philosophy. The author supposes that historical process is defined by a coevolutional in its essence self-organizing anthroposocioculturogenesis taking place on the surface of our planet.
As a result he comes to the conclusion that this image of historical process will be incomplete if one does not take into account natural premises of this comprehensive phenomenon and the role of natural factors in the process of human activity. The concept of sustainable development introduces radically new moments to the understanding of this circumstances.
Keywords: historical process, sustainable development, concept, globalization, culture, natural premises for historical process, socioeconomic development, ecological development, ecological problem, biosphere, noosphere, harmonization of socionatural development.
Dubovsky S. V. Global modeling: questions of theory and practice (pp. 47–67). Original text and References
The article presents structures of a global object and the list of main global problems. The most important fragments of world development including globalization processes are briefly discussed; the stages of global development of modeling in the world and Russia are described; the article examines the period of Russia's development in 1990–2007 with the analyses of the role of income redistribution from the population and the state to the economic elite, as well as scientific and technological advance and oil prices. Possible scenarios of world and Russian development in the first third of the 21st century are presented.
Keywords: global modeling, global world, economics, socium, system, natural resources, environment, global problems, scientific and technological advance, global development, Earth’s population.
Processes of Globalization
Kolodko G. V. Great Transformation (pp. 68–77). Original text and References
The article is devoted to the post-socialist period of world development defined by the author as “Great Transformation”. Regarding it as a substitute for the former system by the new institutional order the author with the help of significant factual data and in many respects on the example of Polish experience, shows the retreat from the former system and the transfer to the new one by the conditions of the modern globalization.
Keywords: transformation, post-socialist transformation, reforms, conflictogenity, socialism, capitalism, competition, neo-liberalism, market economy, globalization.
Kozhevnikov N. N., Danilova V. S. Concepts of network philosophy within modern scientific worldview (pp. 78–85). Original text and References
In the forming planetary-civilizational reality one can define its invariant structure – “noobiogeosphere”, where cells consist of fundamental dynamic equilibriums and “noobiogeosphere personality” and “noobiogeocenosis” are its inner structural levels. The most important subsystems of noobiogeosphere are ecological and cultural networks, they take an active part in the formation of a modern scientific (third) picture of the world.
Keywords: natural, social, spiritual, ecology, system, noobiogeosphere, planetary-civilizational being, planetary, scientific picture of the world, planetary network.
Yesenkin B. S. What can we expect in the foreseeable future? (pp. 86–92) Original text and References
The author wonders about the essence of modern globalization and analyzes its possible consequences for the disunited world, torn by various interests and contradictions. In some aspects humanity has already crossed the limit possibilities of the planet and though the Earth bears neglectful attitude the situation cannot last any longer. World community will have to make its way from the differentiation to its unity and modern first of all, information, technologies, make this variant quite possible. But the final word is nevertheless with the human.
Keywords: globalization, globalistics, global problems, mankind, crisis, information, information revolution, modern world.
Global Problems
Mazur I. I. The Arctic – bifurcation spot in the development of global world (pp. 93–104). Original text and References
The author of the article regards the Arctic as one of the key points of intersection of various interests in the development of global world. The foreseeable future appears to be dependant on the realization of theses interests. Such polyvariant situation of possible ways of development, named as bifurcation point in synergetics, is connected with trajectories of further development of the Arctic region, world integration tendencies, priorities of main actors of world economics and politics in polar region, national interests of subarctic and other regions. Globalization processes put problems of state sovereignty, establishment of their jurisdiction over national resources and haul routes, sustainable development of the Arctic region on the whole in the forefront.
Keywords: the Arctic, bifurcation, globalization, sustainable development, international relations, global climate, the Arctic shelf.
Snakin V. V. Global ecological crisis: resource and evolutionary aspects (pp. 105–114). Original text and References
The author analyses the dynamics of planet’s population, food and energy resources. Main laws of autogenous evolution of ecosystems are generalized in order to understand the mechanisms of biosphere functioning and define the role of anthropogenic factor. The analysis shows that modern global processes correspond an autogenous pathway (self-development) and there are not any scientific evidence to assert the existence of global ecological crisis at the modern level of nature management.
Keywords: ecological crisis, demographical transition, food and energy resources, global ecological processes, ecosystem evolution, ecosystem self-development, problems of noosphere.
Nature, society, man
Fedotova M. A. Venture investment as a basic factor of innovative development (pp. 115–126). Original text and References
The articles touches upon one of the most important problems of modern world – support of innovative development by means of venture investment in conditions of significant uncertainty and increasing risks. The topic, which is quite urgent for the world in whole and Russia in particular, is examined not only from the position of the effective financial management and in the economics on the whole, but also in the context of the existing Russian legislation where significant drawbacks are traced. The author suggests constructive proposals to their elimination.
Keywords: venture investment, innovations, economics, finance, global market, market economy, state, business, right, legislation.
Kiyaschenko N. I. Transformation of aesthetic education in the epoch of globalization and civilization change (pp. 127–138). Original text and References
The article analyses urgent issues of the transformation of education and aesthetic upbringing determined by the transition from traditional types of civilization to the civilizations of information society. The way new exclusive demands to the professional training of all people not regarding their age and capacity appear is shown by various examples.
The necessity of aesthetic upbringing and education for the purpose of developing the ability to make aesthetically appealing and technologically based decisions is proved in the article. It is stated that computer literacy and abilities in programming become one of the decisive criteria of the educational level of a modern man taking part in all kinds of human creation under the conditions of globa-lization.
Keywords: globalization, civilization, aesthetics, upbringing, education, creation, personality, norms, values, information technologies.
Gurevich P. S. Cybernaut as a symbol of global world (pp. 139–153). Original text and References
The author examines anthropological aspects of modern globalization. He shows that for understanding of global processes it is necessary to analyze the problems of human nature as well. An attempt is made to create a generalized image of a human, who will become the symbol of a incipient world.
Keywords: global world, human, cybernaut, identity, transformation, nature, change, genetics, philosophy.
Russia in the Global World
Suslova T. I. Globalization: on the issue of russian culture identity (pp. 154–162). Original text and References
The article is devoted to the problems of Russian culture experiencing the influence of globalization processes. In this connection questions of traditions and innovations in Russian culture are analyzed as well as correlations of classic aesthetics and modern theories of modernism and post-modernism. Special attention is paid to Russian art nouveau of the beginning of the 20th century and modern art of the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The article is addressed to specialists in philosophy, culture, aesthetics, in literature and art.
Keywords: globalization, culture, civilization, identity, mass culture, modernism, aesthetics, traditions.
Baturin A. N.Eastern reformation. Economic aspect (pp. 163–180). Original text and References
Within a planetary dialogue the final word is with the East. What can it offer the world apart from traditional conservatism and successful imitations, what kind of global innovations could lead world economy to balanced, efficient and fair development?
The author suggests the answer to this question based on assumptions about dual nature of integral systems, their inevitable polarization, nature of power, its role and place in the economy structure, mechanisms of interface of monetary and power institutions coordinating resource and problematic aspects of the economy.
Joint deployment of monetary and power institutions may act in two regimes – “eastern” and “western” – depending on the aspect historically dominating in the given civilization. The main characteristics of “eastern” (“cyclone”, “feminine”) type civilization are outlined. The problem of formatting civilizational subjects of this type (“eastern protestant”) is also discussed. Our time is defined as the beginning of Eastern reformation epoch.
Keywords: East, reformation, economy, global, periphery, system, history, bipolarity, Protestantism, evolution, civilization.
Global personality
Chesnokov V. S. S. A. Podolinsky: the concept of social energetics (pp. 181–187). Original text and References
The article is devoted to the life, scientific and public activities of “the forgotten scientific innovator” S. A. Podolinsky, whom Vernadsky considered to be one of his predecessors in the development of the teaching about living material, biosphere and its evolution into noosphere.
Vernadsky ranked his scientific achievements equally with the works by Mayer, Thompson and Helmholz. Podolinsky layed the corner stone of the new labor theory as economic, natural-historical and ethical category and showed that human labor is capable of retaining the solar energy on the earth’s surface and making it act for a longer period. Podolinsky was first to point out the significance of global problems such energy and food security of the mankind, sustainability of its development.
Keywords: Podolinsky, biography, labor theory, social energetics.
The Authors of the Issue (p. 188).