Askar A. Akaev and Viktor A. Sadovnichiy
On the Dynamics of the Global Economic Development in View of New Approach to Forecasting Original text and References
The authors develop a new methodology of forecasting of the dynamics of global and national economies development, based on the interference between the neoclassical theory of supply, Keynesian concept of demand and ideas of the Russian scientist N. Kondratieff about long waves of economic dynamics with due regard for the demographic factor. The offered methodology together with forecasting the trends of economic dynamics allows predicting the points of crises, recessions and bifurcations. According to these facts predictive appraisals concerning economic development of the USA and the developed countries of the West, as well as Russia are stated in this article.
Viktor A. Los'
Searching for the Categorical Concepts of Global Studies Original text and References
In the present article the author develops the idea about the reality of formation of global studies as a scientific discipline and proves these views through consideration of the system of corresponding philosophical and methodological, social and economic and social and cultural categories.
An Quinan
New Scientific and Technological Revolution and Modern World Original text and References
At present, when the modern world has already entered the era of globalization, the scientists of many countries seriously think how to cognize this world. In my opinion, the main point here consists in a keen understanding of the new scientific and technological revolution which happened in the 20th century, and its impact on the modern world. It is a key to understanding why the modern world entered a globalization era as well as to developmental problems and tendencies.
Globalization Processes
Igor I. Abylgaziev and Ilya V. Ilyin
Processes of Globalization and the Problem of the New World Order Original text and References
On May 20–23, 2009 the first International Scientific Congress ‘Global Studies – 2009: The Ways out of the global crisis and models of the new world order’ was held in Moscow. Lomonosov Moscow State University with the participation of the Russian academy of natural sciences, the Russian ecological academy, Russian philosophical society and with the assistance of ‘Intellectual Systems’ scientific and production corporation became the main host of the Congress. The organizing committee headed by the principal of Lomonosov Moscow State University vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor A. Sadovnichiy included heads of the Faculty of Global Studies of MSU, leading Russian and foreign scientists. More than 500 scholars from Russia, Azerbaijan, Great Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Poland, the USA, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Sweden participated in the Congress. The program of the Congress included plenary meeting, seven sections, three round tables, two didactic games, an exhibition of publications of the Faculty of Global Studies of MSU, the photo exhibition ‘Earth Faces’, demonstration of the video film about the department of global processes of MSU, the festive evening devoted to the World day of Cultural Diversity for dialogue and development, and other events.
Peter McCormick
Globalization and Cosmopolitism. Criteria, Approaches,and Life Experience Original text and References
My suggestion here will be that many understandings of today's globalization give rise to at least one major problem. And I would also like to suggest that what might help solve that problem is focusing fresh philosophical attention on a cardinal conceptual innovation in yesterday's cosmopolitanism. Such help would be important. For, as Korea's Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Secretary General, observed in his speech ‘The Bonds that Unite Us’ on the eve of the G8 summit in early July 2008 at Lake Toyako in Japan's Hokkaido, we must recognize that today's radically new problems are global and require global solutions.[1] But among these problems might also figure a still insufficiently critical understanding of what today's globalization itself is. My suggestion will be that a still almost forgotten understanding of cosmopolitanism yesterday may help us articulate a less unsatisfactory notion of globalization today. The bonds that unite us, I believe, are not so much Ban Ki-moon's global concerns; they are our own ancient cosmopolitan natures as human beings.
Artem E. Astvatsaturov and Mariana A. Basilaia
Globalization and Beginnings of Cosmic Harmony Original text and References
In the process of globalization the humankind starts to critically assess the traditional ideals of development of civilization. An active search for the rational ways of development, new values which could resolve contradictions and protect civilization from the global disaster is going on. Any philosophical system is the resolution of contradictions. The concept of cosmic harmony relying on the dialectic unity of fundamental and philosophical knowledge leading to the new world outlook gives a philosophical understanding of ecological contradiction and of the way to noosphere.
Global Problems
Tomasz Kamusella
Central Europe from the Linguistic Point of View Original text and References
There are many definitions of Central Europe. For the sake of this article it is the middle one-third of the continent or the zone bordered by Italy and the German-speaking polities of Germany and Austria in the West and the multilingual Russian Federation in the East. The general linguistic shape of Central Europe as we know it today coalesced between the arrival of the Hungarians (or rather a coalition of Finno-Ugric and Turkic ethnic groups) in the Danube basin in the 10th century and the 14th-century founding of the Romance-speaking principalities of Walachia and Moldavia (that is, the predecessors of modern-day Romania and Moldova). In the middle of the region the East Romance languages of Moldovan and Romanian alongside with the Finno-Ugric one of Hungarian are spoken from the Black Sea to Austria, which is the part of the German-speaking zone. This multilingual belt separates the North and South Slavic dialect continua (that is, geographically continuous zones within which a language changes gradually from a locality to a locality; the cleavage of mutual incomprehensibility occurs where two continua meet). At present the former is identified with Polish, Czech, Slovak, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian, while the latter with Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin, Macedonian and Bulgarian.
Kutyryov V. A.
Clash of Cultures with Civilization as the Reason and Subject of the International Terrorism Original text and References
The author reveals the imitated nature of the narrow political understanding of the reasons of the international terror and inefficiency of ‘social and technical’ methods of fight against it. It is treated as the manifestation of contradictions between the way of life in a society of the pragmatic and technological type (civilization) and societies which are guided by traditional cultural wealth (culture). Global expansion of values of the modern consumer civilization leads to its dying out. Russia should not hurry to loose cultural regulators of life.
Mamedzade I. R.; Rzaeva R. O.
Tendencies in the Turkish Public Consciousness: From Modernism to Post-Modernism Original text and References
Today in many societies there appear conditions for the emergence of the post-modernist paradigm. Significant differences of evolution of the western and non-western societies cause a variety of prerequisites of emergence of the post-modernist situation, that is to say today we can speak about the subjective nature of perception of postmodernity in the western and non-western countries, as well as about the variability depending on world outlook and historical and cultural backgrounds of emergence of postmodernism and its philosophical basis. A number of trends in modern Turkish society in particular the fragmentation which we can observe in it today, destabilization, anti-systematic features, eclecticism, disintegration of society and as its consequence differentiation of ways of life, lifestyles, a problem of ‘otherness’, symbolical representations, variety of identities, religious revival, can be characterized in post-modernist terms in our opinion and it can be referred to manifestations of ‘social postmodern’ that has also something in common with postmodernism offering the local interpretation of sociality.
The processes within social and religious sphere of Turkish society and concerning social postmodern being the subject of our consideration cause its research as a religious and social paradigm that is currently important due to identification of sociological aspect of relationship between postmodernism and religion and religious and world outlook combinations. The mosaic structure of culture and eclecticism traditionally peculiar to Turkish society define the main features of post-modernist situation and correlate with its tendency of creation of diverse eclectic systems basing on the past experience and also synthesizing with tradition and religion which is the part of the last.
World Crisis
Grinin L. E.
Will the Global Crisis Lead to Global Changes? Original text and References
The paper considers global causes of the current crisis and possible ways of solving the most pressing issues, resulting from it; as well as negative role and important positive functions of world financial flows including ‘insurance’ of social money are globally analyzed; conditions of possible transformations of the world system and various probable global scenarios of its near future are analyzed in connection with consequences of crisis; the author also gives the characteristic of the approaching ‘era of new coalitions’, some futurological forecasts.
Pyrin A. G.
Financial Crisis: Philosophical Reflection (Results of the Round Table) Original text and References
On November 26, 2009, in the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation a round table took place organized by the Department of Philosophy on the subject: ‘World Financial Crisis: The Beginning or End? Philosophical Reflection’. The vice-dean of the FA Doctor of Economics, Professor M. A. Fedotova opened a round table. She noted that the FA carries out a number of researches on improvement of new financial structure, creation of a new financial order, on transformation of Russia and Moscow into a new world financial center. Philosophers' opinions are very important: whether we are recovering from the crisis or not? What are the objective tendencies of development of world economy? It is also necessary to analyze anti-recessionary measures of our government, to estimate if they are effective or not, to note positive and negative features of measures of the government for the financial (bank) sphere and real economy. The world outlook and moral assessment of these problems is necessary. A round table assumes an open heart to heart talk, questions and discussions. ‘I want to thank the Department of Philosophy for the organization of this meeting’, – told M. A. Fedotova in conclusion and emphasized that it is necessary to know the philosophical standpoint on the above-mentioned problems. She also suggested making a survey following the results of the round table in "The Bulletin of Financial Academy".
Nature and Society
Lukyanenko V. I.; Habarov M. V.; Lukyanenko A. V.
Homo Consúmens – a Consuming Human Original text and References
According to the common notion, one of the main reasons for rapidly approaching global environmental disaster is the increasing population of Earth, unprecedented in its scales. Sharing this point of view, the authors of the article consider, however, that another important reason which is usually ignored or not mentioned at all is the overconsumption of goods and services in the industrially developed countries where a purposeful formation of soulless society of wasteful consumption has been gone for many decades. According to the authors, in the second half of the 20th century the centuries-old process of formation of a new kind of person which they suggest calling ‘a consuming human’ – Homo consumens came to the end (from Latin ‘consumo’ – to consume, waste; to destroy, lead to extinction). Homo consumens thoughtlessly using everything to satisfy unreasonably increased needs that was created by Nature for billion years of evolution, actively forces out Homo sapiens which is rapidly losing the right to be called ‘reasonable’, that is understanding the inextricable connection with Nature which created him able to comprehend and control his behavior, to take care of continuation of human race, to use carefully the natural resources inherited to him from the previous generations, to preserve and increase them for future generations.
Usmanov E. M.
Role of the International Environmental Law in Regulation of the International Environmental Policy Original text and References
The international environmental law is the body of principles and norms of the international law regulating relations of its subjects in the area of environmental protection and rational use of its resources. The term ‘international law of the environment’ is more spread in scientific literature. The term ‘environmental law’ seems more preferable only due to its international use.
Russia in the Global World
Alexander N. Chumakov
Russia in the Global World: The Need for Adequate Decisions Original text and References
One can speak about the role and place of Russia in the global world, as well as about adequate decisions in current situation only in the context of the general tendencies of the global changes. So, first we will speak about them. Let us note that everybody is interested in globalization now: scientists and politicians, people of art, businessmen, journalists, and ordinary people. But does it mean that in the area we are speaking about some general ideas, agreed nations were created, or was there at least a sufficient understanding of the fact that globalization brings not only new problems, dangers and negative consequences, but also new opportunities, new prospects? Not at all. Rather, on the contrary. They doubt and argue even in the fact that now there exists a global society on the planet, though apparently it seems quite obvious that now we can see full connection of geographical space, and general interdependence together with common ecological, nuclear threats, planetary system of information, world transport communications, etc.
Ksenofontov V. V.
The Russian World and Globalization Original text and References
In our opinion, the Russian world is a historical and social and cultural phenomenon evolving in space and time with mentality peculiar to it which develops for the sake of consolidation and progress of people (first of all, the Slavic), ensuring humanity and democracy in their relationship, as well as peaceful development of human civilization.
Gurevich P. S.
The Image of Russia in the Process of Globalization Original text and References
New realities of globalization are analyzed in the paper. The global crisis exacerbated the competition between countries. Experts more often believe that cultural and civilization features make a profound impact on historical process. It is mentioned that as a result of globalization many countries increased the power, besides such problems as opportunities of creation of the new image of Russia, the destruction of stereotypes which were created by social practice of the last years are discussed. Z. Brzeziński, J. Baudrillard, J. Habermas's conceptions are analyzed in the article.
Global Person
Popkov V. V.
Alexander Bogdanov. On the Way to the Uniting World Perception Original text and References