Ursul Arkadiy D. V. I. Vernadsky and Global Studies (On the Occasion of the 155th Anniversary of the Scientist) (pp. 3–14).
Spiridonova Valeriya I. Globalization in the 21st Century: Involution and New Perspectives? (pp. 15–25).
Punchenko Oleg P. Frontiers of Euro-Asian Globalization: Synergetic Analysis (pp. 26–38).
Processes of Globalization
Azimov Pulod Kh. The Role of International Transport Corridors in the Process of Globalization of Economies of Central Asia (pp. 39–46).
Rakitov Anatoliy I. Culture, Civilization, and Modern Technologies in the Perspective of Global Transformations (pp. 47–57).
Glushenkova Elena I. N. N. Moiseyev: Social Philosophy and Political Ideas (pp. 58–71).
Global Issues
Sarval Anil. The Role of English Language in Global World (pp. 72–80).
Ilyin Alexey N. The Globalization of Consumerism and its Associated Social and Cultural Problems (pp. 81–94).
Nature, Society, and Humans
Sayamov Yuri N. Peace of Westphalia and its Principles in the Past and Present (pp. 95–105).
Shevchenko Vladimir N. The Return of China to the National Development Path in the Age of Globalization: The Significance and Conclusions for Russia (pp. 106–119).
Savchenko Viktor A. The Premises for Political Revolutions (pp. 120–133).
Nelyubin Nikolai I. Simulacrum as a Unit of Modern Educational Communication (pp. 134–142).