Contents and abstracts

Журнал: Философия и общество. Выпуск №1-2(76)/2015 - подписаться на статьи журнала


Ivan A. Gobozov. The Revival of Philosophic Anthropology: A Step Back in the Study of a Human Being (рр. 5–16).

The article is devoted to actual problems of the philosophical study of a human being. The problem of human has always been the focus of philosophers from antiquity to the present day. But before the Marxist philosophers, a human being has been considered apart from social relations. They took the concept of human being as an original premise. Marx showed that the human essence is a combination of all social relations. Thus, we should proceed from society, not from human. The key to the explanation of the individual is in society, and not vice versa. It is of great methodological significance. But in modern philosophy the revival of philosophical anthropology takes place and the human is taken as a starting point again. The author emphasizes that it is a step back in the study of human.

Keywords: a human being, human nature, public relations, human category, the category of public relations, philosophical anthropology.

Anton L. Grinin, Leonid E. Grinin. The Cybernetic Revolution and Historical Process (The Future Technologies in the Light of the Theory of Production Revolutions) (рр. 17–47).

The article analyzes the technological shifts which took place in the second half of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and on the basis of the opportunities provided by the theory of production revolutions the authors thoroughly study the latest production revolution which is denoted as ‘Cybernetic’. There are given some forecasts about its development in the nearest five decades. It is shown that the development of various self-regulating systems will be the main trend of this revolution and the initial transition to the final phase of the Cybernetic Revolution will start in the field of medicine (in some its innovative branches). Then, a convergence of innovative and cognitive technologies will start and this will form a complex of MBNRIC technologies (that is a complex of medical, biological and nanotechnologies, robotics, information and cognitive technologies, named after the initial letters of the names of these technologies). By the example of the development of future medical technologies which also involve achievements in other innovative technologies, the authors give a detailed analysis of the future breakthroughs in terms of the development of self-regulating systems with their growing ability to select optimal modes of functioning as well as of other characteristics of the Cybernetic Revolution (resources and energy saving, miniaturization, and individualization).

Keywords: information technologies, productive revolution, cybernetic revolution, self-regulating systems, cyborgization, medicine, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, genetic engineering, miniaturization, individualization.

Nikolay I. Gubanov, Nikolay N. Gubanov. Objectively Unreal Situations: The opportunities to create and prospects of usage (рр. 48–64).

On the basis of the information approach to the issue of «mind and brain» and figurative-symbolic concept of sensory reflection the authors show the possibility to create an objectively unreal but at the same time subjectively real situations. An individual can hardly distinguish these situations from the ob­jective ones due to his sensibility. The article also discusses the gnosological status of orthotopic experiences and prospects of their use.

Keywords: sensual reflection, objectively unreal situation, orthotopic perception, neurodynamic code, invariant information.

Viktoria S. Gritsenko, Vladimir V. Orlov. Marx’s ‘Capital’ and the Crisis of Capitalism (рр. 65–75).

The contemporary development of capitalism demonstrates some serious crisis tendencies. We suppose that its profound reason consists in the development of the historically new form of material labour (universal, “scientific”, or automated labour) discovered by Karl Marx as the key factor of modern economy. We show that the destruction of commodity value exerting in plenty of crisis symptoms is brought up mainly by the universal labour features.

Keywords: universal (“scientific”, automated) labour, destruction of commodity value, late capitalism, crisis of neoliberalism, “Capital”.

Viktor V. Ten. Natural History and Social Philosophy (рр. 76–91).

The article presents the basis for differentiation between the notions of social studies and social philosophy; a conclusion is made that social philosophy can hardly exist in the Western countries’ philosophies. It is proved that historical materialism is not the past but the future of social sciences because there can be no synergetics, no holism without social time, social processes and general vector of societal development.

Keywords: philosophic knowledge, transcendentalism, thinking, metaphisics, property, social studies, social philosophy, society, socium, historiosophy, historical materialism.

Grigoriy A. Zavalko. The Culture of Feudal Society (рр. 92–115).

He article presents a brief survey of technological and cultural advance in medieval Europe, there is presented an image of “medieval man” and given an outline of the system of social relations of that time which is important for contemporary understanding and adequate perception of the medieval culture and art.

Keywords: feudalism, Dark centuries, culture, knight, seigneur, vassal, homage, church, vagrants.

Igor N. Tyapin. The Libertarian «Philosophy of law» as a Means of Crisis of Social Conscientiousness and Social System in Russia (рр. 116–139).

In article on the basis of the philosophical analysis of the main provisions of the so-called libertarian-legal theory the author proves the conceptual failure and nonscientific nature of the theory. The conclusion is made that it serves as an ideological weapon of destruction of moral values and the most important social institutions in Russia.

Keywords: Libertarian theory of law, philosophy of legal, crisis of legal sense, social and cultural rights, antimorality, moral state.

Zulfia A. Tazhurizina. Atheofobia in the History of Christianity and of Freedom of Thought (рр. 140–155).

The reason for this paper is an adverse influence of facts of nihilistic and aggressive attitude to religion and believers on Russian spiritual life, and this attitude stimulates endeavors of churchmen to stop these actions by prosecutions. The aim of our paper is to search for the ways to overcome worldview conflicts. One of the factors of worldview conflicts is hatred of dissent (first of all, hatred of atheism) that has negative morally impact on public conscience, including conscience of non-believers. Only by knowing of malignancy of religiophobia and atheophobia should we overcome problems of mutual intolerance.

Keywords: atheophobia, christianophobia, atheism, freethought, tradition, intolerance tolerance, freedom of conscience.

Olga Koshovets, Igor Frolov, Anatoliy Chusov. Ontological Analysis of the Relation between Theory and Reality in the Methodology of Economics (рр. 156–176).

The authors analyze the category of “ontology” in the context of relevance of the economics “pure theory” to economic reality and consider the characteristics of the ontological issues in the modern methodology of economics. The goal is a positive reinterpretation of ontological structures in metatheoretical scientific schemes to test the actuality of economic theories and their applicability in practice. The scheme of the methodological analysis of ontological structures of economic theories and models for building science-actualized ontology for particular economic theory is provided. As an example, the Arrow-Debreu “abstract economy” is examined.

Keywords: ontology, economic theory, economic reality, the Arrow-Debreu model, critical realism, knowledge.

Foreign Philosophy

Rober Blanche. Epistemology. Paris, 1972. Chapter 2. The Field of epistemology (рр. 177–188).


Grigoriy A. Zavalko. Semenov Yu. I. Origin and Development of Economy: From Primitive Communism to Societies with Private Property, Classes and the State (the Ancient East, Antiquity and Feudalism). – Moscow, 2014 (рр. 189–200).

Kazennov A. S. Popov M. V. The Social Dialectics. – SPb., 2014 (рр. 201–203).

A Letter to the Editor (рp. 204–206)


To Konstantin N. Lyubutin’s 80th Anniversary (рp. 207–209)

Contents and abstracts (рp. 210)