Markovic D. Historical contexts of contradictions of modernization (pp. 3–13). Original text and References
The role of modernization in evolution of society and the human civilization, as well as problems of modernization in the modern multipolar world are considered in the article. In the contexts of globalization and meetings of different socio-political system, especially the Eastern and the Western ones, there appears an attempt to impose the Western (English and American) values on other civilizations as universal; modernization is supposed to be a synonym of Americanization at that. The author states that these anticivilizationary attempts should be rebuffed while the modernization model promoting humanist development of human society should be adopted.
Keywords: civilization, modernization, globalization, mondialization, progress.
Veber A. B. Searching for a new developmental paradigm (pp. 14–26). Original text and References
Is the world's dominant model of development sustainable in terms of human well-being? It becomes more obvious the answer is negative. Economic growth is not the only factor of well-being. Equally important are the social and environmental factors. Resource assessment of humanity, that is, real wealth, including natural resources, allows a better understanding what policy changes are needed to move to a sustainable path of development.
Keywords: real wealth, resources, human and natural capital, sustainable development, human well-being, social foresight.
Kiselyov D. A. Social development management as a global philosophical problem (pp. 27–36). Original text and References
If assume that the crisis tendencies in various spheres of life have a common nature, then the tasks to be solved in order to overcome these tendencies have obviously a common nature too and could be jointed in a particular class of tasks. This article substantiates that such a class of tasks should be considered as the tasks of development governance, and that development governance itself is as a problem of a special kind, first of all, philosophical and methodological. Moreover, it is a problem of a global level. Besides, the article emphasizes the need for a new philosophical and methodological language (and a corresponding thesaurus) with a priority to be given to the development and governance problems. Substantiation of this thesis and explanation of how ‘development governance’ should be understood form the main content of the article.
Keywords: governance, development, development governance, governance tasks, development tasks, philosophy of governance, methodology of governance, global governance, reflexive governance.
Osthoff-Münnix G. The world government: needs and reality (pp. 37–40). Original text and References
The author considers reorganization of international relationships in the context of globalization which should involve considerable change of sovereign states’ role. The perspectives of establishing a world government that will supplement rather than substitute managerial functions of the national states’ governments are analyzed.
Keywords: world government, sovereignty, national state, cosmopolitism, nationalism.
Blizkovsky P., Prantl, J. Global economic governance: what problems do Asia and Europe face? (pp. 41–46). Original text and References
The urgent problems of global economic government are discussed in the article. Based on the international conference on global economic governance in Asia, an attempt to summarize world experience is made. The objective of the article is better understanding of short- and long-term consequences of European sovereign debt crisis for the regional economic integration in Asia.
Keywords: global, economic governance, Asia, Europe, the West, the East, crisis.
Processes of Globalization
Kosichenko A. G. Globalization and religion (pp. 47–58). Original text and References
Religion has very special relations with globalism and globalization. It impedes globalization's uniforming impact more than any other segment of the modern world. The kernel of religion is salvation for eternal life, hence any man or woman with its specific personal identity is important for religion. Globalization uniforms everything, including people. That is why globalization and religions represent two opposing ideological systems. Preserving its meaning, though transforming under globalization’s impact, religion has the potential to positively reconstruct the world and the capacity to diminish modern challenges and risks.
Keywords: globalization, religion, globalism, confession, Christianity, Islam, worldview, culture, civilization.
Leonova O. G. Global regionalization as a phenomenon of the global world development (pp. 59–66). Original text and References
The article analyzes global regionalization as a phenomenоn of the global world development. The author investigates this definition in the context of Political Globalistics and interprets the global world environment as a three-level structure. The cause of global regionalization is closely connected with the necessity of the global world’s subjects to build-in into hierarchy of the forming global world. Global regionalization has specific features and a complex character. Global regionalization is an objective process. On the one hand, it is a constituent part of globalization process, on the other hand, it is the consequence of globalization. On the whole, global regionalization indicates a new form of structurization of the global world.
Keywords: global regionalization, global regionalism, macroregion, structure of the global world, hierarchy of the global world.
Global Problems
Seidova G. N. Islam and globalization: pro et contra (pp. 67–78). Original text and References
The author analyzes different aspects of perception and influence of an objective process of globalization in the Moslem world on the bases of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s experience. This state is permanently in the forefront of the struggle against globalization’s negative impact, though it is ready for active modernization in economic, technological, information-communication spheres provided that its own cultural and spiritual heritage is preserved.
Keywords: globalization, localization, Islamic values, “global players”, dialogue of civilizations, East and West cultures, religion.
Ilimbetova A. A. The global process of migration's feminization (pp. 79–91). Original text and References
The article covers one of the most serious consequences of the world globalization – increasing number and share of women among international migrants crossing state borders to find employment in another state. Development of public and private services sectors, using female labor, but unattractive to local residents, favors this process. Feminization of migration has serious consequences both for receiving and home countries of migrants. Existence of this category of migrants in the migratory flow requires revision of migration and social policy according to their peculiarities and needs.
Keywords: globalization, feminization of migration, female migrants, labour market, integration, migration policy.
Nature, Society, Man
Durchik V. Our modern times: is morality an ‘epiobiotic species’? (pp. 92–99). Original text and References
We witness the collision of traditional value systems and new value orientations in the modern society caused by the global and multicultural world. Globalization tendencies promote spreading of so-called consumer way of life that involves the conflict of traditional (Christian) and West liberal values. The sphere of their interaction is a room for ideas and active joint participation in creating values for our changing world. This world is our common world. Despite different positions in the world, ideological, political and economic disputes all we share its common fate, and thus have a right to participate in his forming through communication and dialog. Communication and dialog should be prevailing forms of contacts between different cultures and civilizations.
Keyword: morality, value orientations, traditional values, liberal values, communication and dialog, common wealth.
Sukhareva E. A. The specifics of development of Moscow as a global megalopolis (pp. 100–108). Original text and References
In the modern international relations global cities are not only the actors of the world politics, but also the international centres of power. They accumulate a vast share of political, economic, intellectual and cultural resources of the country. Positioning of Moscow as a global centre is underused. Thus very often the growth of economic power and influence are not only accompanied by the global integration increase, but also witnesses its decline.
Keywords: global city, global urban system, world centre, world city, financial centre, business centre, positioning, political influence.
Russia in the Global World
Seleznyov P. S. The problems of innovative development in Russia (pp. 109–124). Original text and References
The article examines the problem of motivating ‘non-Western’ countries to choose and implement the innovative development strategy (of the struggle for the global leadership in China, of war on poverty and overcoming technology development lag in Brazil, India, Malaysia, the strategy of survival and success in a competitive environment in South Korea and Singapore). The consequences and effects of the chosen strategy are also examined.
Keywords: innovation-oriented policy, strategy of innovative development, motivation, ‘non-Western’ states, global leadership, modernization, authoritarian regime, tradition, competition, poverty reduction.
Alpidovskaya M. L. Joining the WTO, or a ‘new economic chimera’ of the present postmodern society (pp. 125–135). Original text and References
Twenty years has passed since planned economy was wrecked and our country made a ‘delayed jump’, plunged into economy dominated and supervised by ‘the invisible hand of the market’ with all that it implies. The next act of liberal-oriented elites – Russia’s aspiration to enter into the Worldwide Trading Organization (WTO) – caused and still causes controversies in the Russian society. Many experts, having analyzed this matter in detail, have come to the conclusion, that this act will bring Russia rather negative, than positive results.
Keywords: Russia, WTO, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, countries of peripheral capitalism, neoliberal model, foreign investments.
Kovalyov Y. A. Russia and the main challenge of the 21st century (pp. 136–149). Original text and References
The author analyzes one of the most critical modern challenges which can be formulated as follows: the ideas and purposes which were followed by the West brought it to the deadlock. The study is based on the paradigm by V. S. Soloviyov interpreted in terms of synergy. Considering some key events in the 20th-century Russia's history the author argues that Russian has the universal mission to counter the above mentioned challenge and turn it into the starting point for a new round of the mankind's moral evolution.
Keywords: social science, model, Christianity, the Age of Enlightenment, market democratic state, worldview synthesis, attractor, energy-information interaction, Russian super-ethnos, ethnic attractor, just social structure, Russia's special leadership.
Global Personality
Chesnokov V. S. V. I. Vernadsky – the great scientist-innovator and humanist (pp. 150–166). Original text and References
The article covers the work of V. I. Vernadsky who was in charge of the Commission for Research in Natural Productive Forces, the Academy of Sciences, and among other new scientific disciplines founded radiogeology and the concept of autotrophy of humankind.
Keywords: V. I. Vernadsky, scientific innovator, founder of new research institutes.
Stepanov S. A. N. N. Moiseev on the fate of the Russian intelligentsia (pp. 167–170). Original text and References
The article, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of full member N. N. Moiseev, tells about the hard life of this prominent scientist, his outstanding contribution to the understanding of the current problems of the world development and real challenges to humankind in the globalization context.
Keywords: intellectuals, problems of interaction between nature and society, ecology, “nuclear winter”, civilization.
Academic Life
Galimov B. S., Salikhov G. G. Bagautdinov A. M. Philosophy and the future of civilization (pp. 171–179). Original text and References
Basing on the cross-disciplinary approach, the author considers the complex phenomenon of globalization. The hypothesis of universal character of global-regional dualism is proposed. The wave process of globalization is connected with the character of development of scientific-technical progress. The regions’ culture appears to be a part and a wave simultaneously. Besides the culture of leading countries, those of any others’ have both global and wave characteristics.
Keywords: entity, globalization, spirituality, individuality, the principle of activity, system approach, synergy, bureaucracy, novelty.
Pyrin A. G. Presentation of the encyclopedic dictionary on Globalistics (pp. 180–184). Original text and References
The World Cultural Forum (Taihu, China) (pp. 185–189). Original text and References
The Authors of the Issue (p. 190).