Valeriy V. Snakin. Global Tendencies in the Evolution of Biosphere (pp. 3–13). Original text and References
The main laws of the evolution of the biosphere are summarized in the paper in order to understand contemporary features of the evolution and identify the human role in it. The current global trend of environmental processes is analyzed from the perspective of the laws of autogenous development (self-development). The data show that present evolution of ecosystems still follows the autogenous path and there is no sufficient scientific basis to state that the global environmental crisis is inevitable. The problems of modern environmental alarmism and the concepts of sustainable development are discussed in the paper.
Keywords: global ecological processes, biosphere evolution, ecosystems' self-developmen, noosphere problems, alarmism, sustainable development.
Leonid E. Grinin, Andrey V. Korotayev. Inflationary and Deflationary Trends of the World Economy or the Spread of the “Japanese Disease” (pp. 14–31). Original text and References
Recently among numerous concerns over the European and partly American economies the danger of deflation is more often mentioned. The scholars cite the Japanese economy which has been suffering from deflation for the last two decades despite the large investments in economy and the government's efforts to increase inflation. Similarly, notwithstanding the many trillions of dollars, euro, pounds and yen that were invested in economies over the past few years, the inflation in the western countries still remains low. On the whole, one have reasons to state that European countries suffer from “the Japanese disease”, and this disease can become chronic. The USA, although to a lesser extent, has the signs of the disease as well. As a result, the financial investments can become consistent, as it happened in Japan. The paper defines the reasons of the problem, explains the irregularity of the processes of inflation – deflation in the world and also presents some forecasts.
Keywords: inflation, deflation, quantitative easing, prices, investments, cen-ter, periphery, Japanese economy, demand, economic laws.
Ilya V. Ilyin., Michail A. Kaverin. The Problems of Transformation of International Organizations into the Institutes of Global Governance (pp. 32–38). Original text and References
The research continues global governance topic highlighted in a series of articles in the journal “Age of Globalization”. The article dwells on the theories of international organizations as the major elements of emerging global governance system. Global processes evoke transformations of international system into global political system, which is reflected in the formation of integral system of international organizations. Moreover, organizations as the institutions and actors of global relations pass through considerable changes that affect the theoretical understanding of the international organizations. The formation of system integrity within the unity of international organizations may signify the inception of global governance system.
Keywords: international organizations, realism, idealism, institutionalism, theories of interorganizational processes, theories of intraorganizational processes, global regulation, global governance, global political system, globalization, socionatural coevolution.
Alaxander N. Chumakov. On Globalization from the Objective Viewpoint (pp. 39–51). Original text and References
The paper dwells on the discussion about the genesis and the nature of globalization and its negative consequences for the society. In a polemical form the point of view about the globalization as the subjective process is challenged, and its objective and historical character is maintained. The discussion is revolved around the position of the famous scientist which is presented in his work, dedicated to the problems of the state and globalization.
Keywords: globalization, globalistics, subjective process, objective process, unification, standardization, social life.
Processes of globalization
Anatoly A. Gorelov. From the World Colonial System to Global Neocolonialism (pp. 52–64). Original text and References
The paper considers causes and dynamics of development, destruction of the world colonial system and formation of a system of global neocolonialism in the epoch of globalization after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its structure, functional spheres and peculiarities. The conclusion is made that the formation of a system of global neocolonialism is the main direction of the tendency of globalization in the modern world now.
Keywords: colony, capitalism, expansion, global neocolonialism, metropolis, exploitation.
Yadviga S. Yaskevich. Risk Society in the Context of Global Geopolitical Strategies (pp. 65–77). Original text and References
The status and specifics of political risk in the conditions of globalization, its interaction with economic policy of the national states are defined. The substantial models of modern geopolitical scenarios in a context of synergetic methodology are considered in the paper.
Keywords: geopolitics, geopolitical risk, globalization, new world order, political risk, risk society, synergetic methodology.
Viktor A. Los. Sociocultural Analysis of Civilizational Processes: Interconnection of Cyclic and Linear Approaches to the Dynamics of the World Development (pp. 78–90). Original text and References
Two approaches to the estimation of the sociocultural dynamics of civilization: cyclism and linearity are considered in the paper. The historical genesis of these approaches is analyzed, their contemporary interpretation is proposed.
Cyclism is viewed as the paradigm in which the development of the socio-natural systems of different levels and scale is considered as the repetition (under the new historical conditions) of their past forms and hypostases. Various forms of cyclism (natural, economic, civilizational, etc.) which are outlined from the antique views to the contemporary conceptual constructions are defined.
Linearity appears as the principle of the estimation of the historical dynamism of civilization in the direction of regress or progress. And if under the conditions of modern age positive idea about the prospects for civilization prevailed, then by the middle of the twentieth century alarmists views strengthened, including the ones based on the social-ecological bases.
The ideas of synergetism, having an essential effect on the reality of sociocul-tural forecasts, nevertheless, do not reject status of the principles of cyclism and linearity with the interpretation of historical processes. Though it is emphasized that cyclism and linearity are two interconnected hypostases of the global process, directed in the future.
Keywords: cyclism, linearity, historical method, progress, regress, alarmism, globalism, global history.
Ruslan S. Zuikov. Ideology of the World Society: Political and System Analysis (pp. 91–104). Original text and References
The processes of ideological and political sphere transformation within the general context of political globalization are analyzed on the basis of a systemic approach in the social and political theory. The conceptual interpretation of the processes of political globalization as a tendency of formation of the world socie-ty – a social system of a particular type – is proved. The author considers a prob-lem of ideological legitimation of “cosmopolitan sovereignty” of the forming world society's political subsystem as a hypothetic global governance system. The conclusions about the direction of ideological sphere development within the political globalization context are given.
Keywords: political globalization, ideology, systems approach, world society, system of global governance, cosmopolitan sovereignty, human rights, cosmopoli-tanism.
Global issues
Ivan V. Sablin. Globalization and Environment: The Environmental Policy of India and China (pp. 105–118). Original text and References
The author considers the international aspects of ecopolitical problems of China and India. The issues of the influence of globalization processes on the environmental conditions and ecological policy in these countries are considered. The pollution haven hypothesis is mentioned. The attention is paid to participation of both countries in international cooperation for solving modern global problems. The article investigates Chinese and Indian philosophical conceptions and estimates the possibilities for these states to take the global environmental responsibility.
Keywords: globalization, environment, ecology, environmental problems, international policy, transnational, pollution.
Tatyana V. Ignatova, Tatyana V. Podolskaya. The Possibilities of Global Governance of the World Financial System: Realities and Perspectives (pp. 119–128). Original text and References
The article considers the existing global financial system problems and contradictions that have become the cause of crisis processes. Formation of the mechanism of global regulation global financial system should be aimed at overcoming of existing disproportions and negative macro- and megaeconomic effect of speculative financial innovations. The most important problem is the opposition of interests of U.S. that have the special status in the world monetary system due to the prevalence of national currency, interests of the countries which are interested in stable and predictable world financial system.
Keywords : global financial system, International Monetary Fund (IMF), credit mechanism, international financial relations, technical assistance, economic crisis, financial crisis, global regulation, currency crisis.
Ivan A. Aleshkovsky. Illegal Migration as a Phenomenon of the Global World (pp. 129–136). Original text and References
The article provides us with the analysis of the phenomenon of illegal immigration, outlines methodological obstacles in assessing the scale of illegal immigration as well as its negative consequences that can put a state's national security at risk. The author suggests a model for measuring and describing illegal immigration, and a rationale for using discriminant analysis when assessing the scope of illegal immigration and suggests ways to improve state regulations for migration.
Keywords: globalization, international migration, illegal migration, irregular migration, migration policy.
Nature, society, and humans
Evgeny A. Trofimov. The Unification of Social Structure of a Society as a Global Problem of the Political Sphere Development (pp. 137–143). Original text and References
The given article deals with the political aspects of the modern process of unification of the social structure of society. It is noted that the process of unification has a negative impact on the political sphere, as it leads to citizens’ disorientation, brings sub-political motives of their interaction to the forefront. In this context the process of weakening of direct and representative democracy is activated, the elitization of society is enhanced, the social relations are archaized. Unification of the social structure of society requires essential institutional and functional corrections, which are capable to prevent negative consequences for the democracy development.
Keywords: unification, globalization, direct democracy, representative democracy, social conflict, civil society, integration.
Sergey I. Rudakov. Global Society in the Light of Unity of Logical and Historical (pp. 144–152). Original text and References
The global society is analyzed in the light of the dialectic of historical and logical. Investigations of the logic of capital have reached such maturity that it is possible to suggest the hypothesis about global society as a new logical and historical stage of the bourgeois society. Moreover, the author attempts to argument that it will be the last stage of the capitalist mode of production.
Keywords: global society, stage of the beginning, essence, appearance and full reality in the logic of capital, formation of the bourgeois society, initial essential development of capitalism, mature development of the capital, full maturity of the capital, the features of the modern global society.
Viktor G. Getman. About “Golden Parachutes” and the Social Justice (pp. 153–160). Original text and References
The article critically evaluates a number of provisions contained in the draft of the Federal law 378667-6, devoted to the regulation of “golden parachutes”. There are some proposals for improving the law.
Keywords: “golden parachutes”, social justice, wages, compensation, income tax.
Russia in the global world
Svetlana I. Levikova. The Destiny of the Russian Culture under Modern Total Globalization (by the example of informal youth subculture) (pp. 161–174). Original text and References
National, local cultures in the age of present total globalization experience strong influence which is aimed at eliminating all differences between cultures and emergence of something common, single-type, featureless that will inevitably lead to extinction of national cultures. Is it possible to avoid this? The present article is devoted to the alternative possibilities. By the example of Russian culture and informal youth subcultures the author considers the abilities and possibilities of national cultures for resisting destructive impact of the world globalization.
Keywords: Russian culture, globalization, communality, youth subcultures, adaptation, socialization, prime symbol.
Zu Chunmin. Slavophilism and Eurasianism (pp. 175–183). Original text and References
The paper considers the problem of bilateral character (arrangement – de-rangement) of the circle of Russian civilization and the reasons of this process. In this regard Slavophilism and Eurasianism are different projects of reconstruction of the circle of the Russian civilization.
Keywords: circle of Russian civilization, Slavophilism, Eurasianism, para-digm of identification.
Scientific life
Alexander V. Katsura. Globalization in the Context of History (pp. 176–191). Original text and References
Alexander N. Chumakov. Soft Power as a Way to Solve Problems in Global World
(pp. 192–195). Original text and ReferencesGlobal Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary (pp. 196–197).
The 25th Anniversary of “Uchitel” Publishing House (p. 198). Original text and References