Contents and abstracts

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Contents and abstracts


Vadim S. Grekhnev. Deviations of human behavior and pedagogical possibilities of their correction (рр. 5–22).

In the article various deviations, i.e. types and forms of human behavior deviating from the public norms, are considered. The author analyzes the reasons of deviations, and also possible ways of pedagogical prevention and correction of indiscipline, nonsocial, criminal and self-destructive behavior.

Keywords: deviant behavior, aggression, stigmatization, positive and negative reference group, prevention of deviations, correction of deviations.

David V. Djokhadze. The Antique dialogue and dialectics (рр. 23–45).

In the modern world, in connection with a highly-developed dialogue in social life, the urgent character of the problems concerning the dialogue theory and the dialectic way (method) of thinking is undisputed.

The article traces the natural connections between the Antique dialogue, which is the art of verbal relationships among people (of exchange of views, dispute, discussion), and the Antique dialectics originated in the depth of the dialogue as a method of conception thinking and presupposing its (i.e. the dialogue’s) existence. On the base of huge empirical data the author argues that the dialectics as the highest form of intellectual activity stems from the Antique dialogue and rhetoric as a theory of dialogue and oratorical discursive thinking. After getting acquaintance with subjective parallels between the dialogue, rhetoric (including sophistical one) and the dialectics, the reader realizes Aristotle’s statement about rhetoric as “the art which corresponds to the dialectics”, as a part and a similarity of the dialectics.

Keywords: Antique dialogue, Antique rhetoric, Antique dialectics, dialectics as a method, sophism, relativism, pseudo-dialectics, eristic, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Protagoras, Gorgias.

Alexey N. Fatenkov. Hegel's dialectic ontology and conceptual field of existentialism (рр. 46–63).

In the article conceptual cohesion of Hegelianism and philosophy of existentialism are discussed. They are regarded not merely as direct antipodes but as adjacent variations of the dialectic of the subject, which acts his role as absolute idea in one case, and absolute human in another case.

Keywords: philosophy, dialectic, ontology, hylozoism, materialism, idealism, Hegelianism, existentialism, subject, alienation.

Arnold A. Oganov. Culture during the epoch of globalization changes (рр. 64–75).

The article observes the fortune of national cultures in the context of the increasing globalization and information-communication processes. The main issue of the article is whether the world globalization threatens the diversity and identity of national cultures? The author disputes categoricalness of stereotyped statements about inevitable evening-out of cultural originality. Globalization involves the processes of cultural unification as well as of diversification.

Keywords: globalization, information-communication processes, culture, civilization, national identity, cultural interaction, cultural identity, unification, integration, universalization, evening-out.

Oleg A. Efremov. Commodity fetishism of the Post-Modern Era: The problem of the "new" capitalism’ nature (рр. 76–89).

The present article relates to the field of economic philosophy. It considers the situations emerging in the society under the impact of certain changes which took place in the late 20th – the early 21st. These changes concern not only the behavior of consumers and producers, but also influence greatly social relations, culture and human personality. It seems that categorical apparatus of classical Marxism, including such notions as “commodity fetishism”, “alienation” and so on.

Keywords: economic philosophy, capitalism, “the dream society”, commodity, consumer behavior, commodity fetishism, alienation.

Sergey G. Piletskiy. Bribery Anatomy: History and the present (рр. 90–106).

This paper is devoted to the very difficult and quite urgent problem – the problem of corruption. Now it is actively discussed at different levels: from the common domestic one to the highest governmental level. The author tries to approach this question complexly: from the historical background and the philosophical foundations to the emotionally psychological motivations and the legal plane. It is worth noting the author’s aspiration not to limit himself to theorizing, but to offer something practical.

Keywords: bribery, corruption, discretionary powers, «duties rent», greed, honor.

Nikolay E. Osipov. The meaning and methodological role of the "social technology" category in comprehension of social integrity (рр. 107–119).

In the majority of works on social philosophy the formational and civilizational approach to the world historical process are still opposed to each other. The present article makes an attempt to consider these two approaches as mutually complementary ones through the light of the “social technology” category. For this purpose the very traditional notions “civilization” and “formation” are treated as social megatechnologies guaranteeing reproduction of society at different levels of its self-organization. The author believes that this approach provides better understanding of the gist of the interaction between civilizational and formational transformations in social development.

Keywords: technology, social technology, formation, civilization, ideas, vitality, way of life, bifurcation, self-organization.

Rida I. Zekrist. The information processes of education (рр. 120–127).

The term “culture” conveys an extremely large meaning and means reality in a state far from equilibrium, on the threshold of self-organization. According to the author, the structure of universal evolutionary sense of culture is coincident with the basic guises of the human society evolution. These guises are Homo sapiens himself, society and culture. Thus, the study of the problems of cultural development, complete modernization and transformation of society and man should be based on sociocultural approach proceeding from the unity of culture, information and sociality formed by active, adaptive, self-organizing and creative activities and intercommunication of people.

Keywords: culture, sense, evolution, cultural models, samples, self-organization, consistency, action, space, time, information.

Aslan N. Aghirov. Instinct and intelligence (рр. 128–142).

The article proposes a peculiar interpretation of such established notions as “instinct” and “intelligence”. Their interconnection and role in formation of an individual’s personal qualities are shown. It is observed that on the bases of the “instinct – intelligence” a society is conventionally divided into three groups:

1. intelligence decays, instinct remains (degradation);

2. harmony of instinct and intelligence (the foundation of society);

3. intelligence for the benefit of a society (elite), including intelligence in the service of instinct (a source of danger for a society).

The article expounds such notions as good and evil, their conflict and interdependence; the conditions for corruption. Thus, the view of corruption prevention and establishing of civil society is proposed.

Keywords: instinct, intelligence, elite, good, evil, corruption, civil society.

Nina A. Bushueva, Artem E. Ukhov. The truth and delusion in the interpretation of a man as "Homo consumens"?(рр. 143–158).

The criticism of understanding of human proposed in the article is based on the dominance in the 19th – 20th centuries Western society of philosophical-methodological trends in naturalism which depicts a man as a complex machine with a nonmaterial spirit. These propositions were borrowed by the science from philosophy and were developed in psychological conceptions of S. Freud and A. Maslow. The most important object for criticism is the phenomenon of sexuality understood naturalistically in the modern culture. The article gives argument for the need of propaganda not of sexuality, but of sublimation aimed at not destructive, but constructive behaviour type which promotes spiritual development of an individual and a society as a whole.

Keywords: sexual need, sublimation, consumer society, moral wealth, Christianity.

Anniversary of A. I. Herzen

Mikhail A. Maslin. A. I. Herzen and Russian philosophy (рp. 159–177).

The article considers Herzen’s philosophy as an organic component of integral Russian philosophy, rather than its separate part. The author argues autonomy of Herzen’s philosophy and its independence from revolutionary or political activity. The idea of liberty is show as the central theme of Herzen’s philosophy.

Keywords: the second centenary of Herzen’s birth, the problem of liberty, unity of Russian philosophy, Herzen and Russia, Herzen and the West, Herzen and Dostoyevsky, Herzen and Tosltoy, Herzan and Leontyev, Herzen and eurasianism.

For assistance to teachers of social philosophy

Ivan A. Gobozov. The social philosophy curriculum (рp. 178–191).

Reviews and information

T. V. Panfilova. What to do? A new attempt to answer the eternal Russian question. Rosov N. S. Track and pass: The macrosociological bases of Russia' strategy in the 21st century. – Moscow: Rosspen, 2011–2012 (рр. 192–201).