Kutter, G. Siegfried

Фамилия:  Kutter
Имя:  G. Siegfried

G. Siegfried (Sig) Kutter is an astrophysicist (PhD 1968, University of Rochester), who has been affiliated with the University of Virginia, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, The Evergreen State College, the Colorado Mountain College, and Colorado Online Learning. His research has focused on hydrodynamic events in stellar evolution. Additionally, he managed grants programs in the Astrophysics Division of NASA Headquarters and the Division of Astronomical Sciences of the National Science Foundation; and he was employed as Senior Scientist by BDM International, Inc., and TRW, Inc., managing the support of NASA's Advanced Programs Branch, writing science articles for NASA's website, The Observatorium, and representing two German subsidiary companies of BDM and TRW in the US. Dr. Kutter has published peer-reviewed research articles on stellar evolution, two science texts, and a popular book on fitness and nutrition; and he has written book reviews for Nature. In addition to his professional career, Dr. Kutter has had a life-long love for the outdoors and physical activity – hiking, climbing, bicycling, downhill skiing, and long-distance running. This love is still with him, despite being now past 75 years in age; but his ways of enjoying nature have become gentler. Of his many professional activities, Dr. Kutter enjoyed teaching the best. He still teaches a popular astronomy course at the Summit Campus of the Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge (USA), and says: ‘It is the interactions with my students that keep me going’.

G. Siegfried Kutter, the Rocky Mountains 2011

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