Sandra Bhatasara is Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, Research Associate (Women and Law in Southern Africa). Her current research interests include studying land and natu-ral resources governance, globalization, global and local environment and sustainability, rural development and poverty alleviation, indigenous knowledge, climate change, adapta-tion and mitigation, gender, HIV and AIDS. She published From Globalization to Global Sustainability: Perspectives on Transitions (2011), Women, Land and Poverty in Zimbabwe: Deconstructing the Impacts of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (2011); Women's Movement(s) in Zimbabwe: The Struggle for an Alternative Socio-economic and Political Order (2010); Poverty and the Consumerist Culture: An Analysis of HIV and AIDS Infections among Young Women in Zimbabwe (2008). Among her research projects are ‘Land and Diminishing Spaces for Women in Zimbabwe: A Gender Analysis of the Socio-economic and Political Consequences of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme’ (2010); ‘Research on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on HIV and AIDS with Community In-formation Empowerment and Transparency (CIET) Africa’ (2007); ‘Students on the Front-line: An exploratory study on the Survival Strategies employed by University of Zimbabwe Students’ (2006).