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Evolution:Cosmic, Biological, and SocialVolgograd: ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House, 2011. – 296 pp.
Edited by Leonid E. Grinin, Robert L. Carneiro, Аndrey V. Korotayev, Fred Spier
ISBN 978-5-7057-2784-1 Editorial Council:
H. Barry III (USA), Yu. Е. Berezkin (Russia), M. L. Butovskaya (Russia), R. Carneiro (USA), Ch. Chase-Dunn (USA), V. V. Chernykh (Russia), H. J. M. Claessen (Netherlands), D. Christian (Australia), S. Gavrilets (USA), А. V. Dybo (Russia), K. Yu. Es'kov (Russia), I. V. Ilyin (Russia), N. N. Iordansky (Russia), A. A. Kazankov (Russia), E. S. Kul'pin (Russia), G. G. Malinetsky (Russia), A. V. Markov (Russia), A. Yu. Militarev (Russia), M. V. Mina (Russia), А. P. Nazaretyan (Russia), E. B. Naymark (Russia), A. D. Panov (Russia), Zh. I. Reznikova (Russia), B. H. Rodrigue (USA), P. Skalník (Czech Republic), F. Spier (Netherlands), D. White (USA).
You can also buy the Almanac from ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House (Volgograd, Russia). Address for orders and inquiries: peruch@mail.ru
The almanac is helpful for those who study interdisciplinary macroproblems as well as for specialists working within specific trends, and also for those who to a greater or lesser extent are interested in the evolutionary problems of astrophysics, geology, biology, history, anthropology, linguistics; who long for being familiar with the newest achievements in the humanities, natural and social sciences.
This issue initiates the series of almanac under the common title Evolution, which is supposed to unite researchers working in all fields of evolutionary studies.
The almanac tends to offer a wide range of subject themes and problems: from universal evolutionary approaches to the analysis of specific evolutionary regularities in the development of animate and inanimate nature, society, culture, cognition, language etc. The present issue may be regarded as a collective effort dedicated to the search for the contours and specifics of evolutionary megaparadigms. In addition, in this issue we have tried to present articles that study problems on various scales. Yet in general this issue deals with studies on very large temporal and spatial scales, in other words: the issues of mega- and macroevolution.
Introduction. Evolutionary Megaparadigm: Potential, Problems, Perspectives
Full text (.doc, .pdf) 5
I. Universal Evolution
Fred Spier | How Big History Works: Energy Flows and the Rise and Demise of Complexity
Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 30 |
Robert L. Carneiro | Stellar Evolution and Social Evolution: A Study in Parallel Processes Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 66 |
II. Biological and Social forms of Evolution: Connections and Comparisons
Graeme D. Snooks | Constructing a General Theory of Life: The Dynamics of Human and Non-human Systems Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 84 |
Edmundas Lekevičius | Ecological Darwinism or Preliminary Answers to Some Crucial though Seldom Asked Questions Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 101 |
Zhanna Reznikova | Evolutionary and Behavioural Aspects of Altruism in Animal Communities: Is There Room for Intelligence? Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 122 |
Leonid E. Grinin, Alexander V. Markov, and Andrey V. Korotayev | Biological and Social Aromorphoses: A Comparison between Two Forms of Macroevolution
Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 162 |
III. Aspects of Social Evoluton
Dmitri M. Bondarenko, Leonid E. Grinin,Andrey V. Korotayev | Social Evolution: Alternatives and Variations (Introduction)
Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 212 |
Christopher Chase-Dunn | Evolution of Nested Networks in the Prehistoric U.S. Southwest: A Comparative World-Systems Approach Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 251 |
Francis Heylighen | Conceptions of a Global Brain: An Historical Review Abstract, Full text (.doc, .pdf) 274 |
Reviews and Notes